Thursday, 23 June 2022


Inspired by the online event of Nagoya Omotenashi Bushotai dedicated to the birthday of Nobunaga past year, I decided to join the celebrations this year too, providing a new post dedicated to Nobu every week, until today, June 23 😄
As the last post to celebrate Nobunaga's birthday, I decided to indulge on the date itself-- In its many interpretations and meanings!

Thursday, 16 June 2022

NOBUNAGA BIRTHDAY PROJECT ⑥ Spots of Nobunaga's Younger Days

Inspired by the online event of Nagoya Omotenashi Bushotai dedicated to the birthday of Nobunaga past year, I decided to join the celebrations this year too, providing a new post dedicated to Nobu every week, until June 23 😄
Since the previous article, for this final round of posts I decided to focus on Nobunaga's origins. After his parents, it's time to focus on the relevant locations of Nobu's youth and his relationship with his land.

Thursday, 9 June 2022

NOBUNAGA BIRTHDAY PROJECT ⑤ Some Insight into Nobunaga's Parents

Inspired by the online event of Nagoya Omotenashi Bushotai dedicated to the birthday of Nobunaga past year, I decided to join the celebrations this year too, providing a new post dedicated to Nobu every week, until June 23 😄
Source: 日本歴史紀行
In the previous contributions I investigated the figure of Nobunaga thought his reputations and the symbology suggested by his character. In these last articles, I'll indulge myself in some historical speculations concerning Nobunaga's origins. Here I talk about his parents and his family situation, included the interpretations in literature and movies.

Thursday, 2 June 2022


Inspired by the online event of Nagoya Omotenashi Bushotai dedicated to the birthday of Nobunaga past year, I decided to join the celebrations this year too, providing a new post dedicated to Nobu every week, until June 23 😄
Inspired by the book Shinchou Meikan, I took one of its article as the foundation for a few personal considerations concerning the "famous symbols" that make us think immediately of Nobunaga. Well, besides killing a cuckoo and pounding the mochi, of course 😁