Saturday 2 July 2022

Upcoming Nobunaga movie! "The Legend & Butterfly"!

Looks like we're going to get another dose of cinematic Nobu thanks to The Legend & Butterfly (レジェンド・アンド・バタフライ)!
Starring Takuya Kimura (!) as Nobunaga and Haruka Ayase as Nouhime, this commemorative movie by TOEI is going to be released on January 27.

It's kinda moving to see Kimura back as Nobunaga 24 years after his first experience in the role.
Despite being in his 50s, this man has the nerve to play as a Nobu in his younger days still∼

It's interesting to see Haruka Ayase back in a Nobu drama too!
She was the protagonist of Honnoji Hotel back in 2017.

The movie is written by Ryota Kosawa (author of the upcoming taiga drama Dousuru Ieyasu) and directed by Keishi Otomo (who worked on the live-action movies of Rurouni Kenshin).

Online is available a short summary of the plot, and a teaser was released just yesterday on Youtube:
To be honest, the plot sounds quite idiotic and reminds me of that "Nouhime the Strategist" that we experienced on Kirin ga kuru already, but I'm curious about this new production, so if I will have the chance (= get the subs) I would gladly watch it (and judge it ruthlessly)!

Aaah, I would like some more Yuki Amami in this kind of productions... Maybe in a movie about Lady Dota?!


  1. That bloodied-up older Nobu at least promises we get to Honnoji :D

    1. --That's probably the opening scene, showing Nobu at Honnoji thinking about how things went like that, and then a flackback ensues.
      Guess that Nouhime is going to show up in the final scene of Honnoji, too, in the epilogue.

  2. They announced some new cast recently on twitter!

    1. Thank you for the hint, I'll take a peek!
