Thursday 19 January 2023

Setting my eyes on some vintage Nobunaga manga...

I have to limit my Nobu collection, but I have a soft spot for vintage mangas (expecially when it comes to children literature), and sometimes I find myself lurking on certain titles.
Here are the ones that intrigue me the most at the moment∼

Oda Nobunaga by Mitsuaki Suzuki (鈴木光明), 1955
Published as furoku of Bōken Ō (冒険王) magazine, it was interesting to see that this legendary mangaka, inspired by Tezuka and father of the shojo genre contributed to the figure of Nobunaga.
His childish artworks shows both grit and vivacity. As far as I know this series is composed by three issues.
The third issue features the burning of Mount Hiei.

Oda Nobunaga by Seiichiro Tokunami (徳南晴一郎), 1962
This tormented manga artist, during his unlucky but iconic career, produced four books dedicated to historical figures for Akebono Publishing in the 60s and one of them is dedicated to Nobunaga.
I couldn't find much about the contents, but the few coloured pages that I managed to see online look quite intriguing--!

Oda Nobunaga by Masami Ishii (石井まさみ), 1987
Marked as "adult content" I was quite surprised by the portrait of Nobunaga in this manga, but I admit that as a collector this looks quite-- Intriguing!
--Let's say that this is the only one on the list which I could get easily, but I'm not in such a hurry 😅


  1. Tokunami's one looks more like a story book than a manga

    1. It's definitely a manga, he made a series dedicated to popular samurai for Akebono Comics.

      Unfortunately it's rare stuff and nobody is sharing anything.
      I bet they have a copy in the manga museum of Kyoto, though.
